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Gittinger X Márton Nemes Techno Zen

Fruit type(s): apples
Varieties: Crimson Crisp, Freedom, Húsvéti rozmaring, Jonagold
Category1: Pet Nat cider
Category2: sparkling
Category3: blend of apples
Country: Hungary
Farming practices: organic
Certified: Yes
Day(s) of vinification: 11 Oct 2021
Vinification process: Milled, then macerated for 8h before pressing the pomace
Pressed: Yes
Fermentation: Spontaneous fermentation in 750 liter tava amphora
Fining: unfined
Filtering: unfiltered
Added sulphites: no sulphites added
Added sugar: Beg your pardon?
Bottling on: 31 Oct 2021
Bottling method: The primary fermentation process for the Crimson Crisp and Freedom varieties has been completed. Before bottling, juice from Jonagold and Húsvéti Rozmaring was added. The secondary fermentation then took place inside the bottle
Aging: Bottle aged on lees for 18 months
Disgorged: Yes
Disgorging: on1 May 2023
L number: L2110310350
Alcohol: 6.5%
Acidity (g/L):
Residual sugar
Bottle weight (g): 680g
Bottle vol.: 0.75 l
Closure: crown cap
Closure detail: gold
Ideal serving temperature: well chilled < 5 °C
Serving fun fact: It's clearer than we are used to, so enjoy the view!
Number of bottles: 350

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